Taste, Touch, Sight. Those are the three senses that are considered sexually desirable. However, to hear the sound of a whisper from your lover can be just as sensual. Like a sea along the beach the tones of you lover’s voice can move waves across your back. The soothing voice of your lover can cause the hairs to rise like a blossoming flower.
‘If Music Be The Food Of Life Play On!’ Let its power and mystery provide you with sexual healing. The most romantic form of sound is Music. Music has played a significant influence from Greek culture to the modern era in order to seduce the human ear. It is what helps amplify the sensations as well as dictate the way in which we move. We call this wonderful movement ‘Dancing’. By enhancing these sensations it creates sexual desires intensifying the romantic bond between two individuals. BARRY WHITE said it best: ‘There’s people making babies to my music. That’s nice.’ No truer words have been heard.
What is making love without the fanfare? It is lightning without thunder. Sound undoubtedly is love’s truest expression. To end with the legendary MARVIN GAYE himself: ‘MUSIC, NOT SEX, GOT ME AROUSED’